New Classroom Construction in Kenya

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of €700 to support our small school in Kenya. This milestone marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the school as we commence the construction of a new classroom. Laying the Foundation The journey […]

“Mr Beast embarrassed the whole political class”Kenyans react after American You tuber, Mr Beast sink boreholes in Kenya.

A revelation by American Youtuber MrBeast, that he drilled 52 boreholes in Kenya to help local communities access clean water has sparked mixed reactions from netizens. This has come amid government PR stunts of commissioning previous government’s projects which current president vehemently opposed. MrBeast shared a 10-minute video on his YouTube channel showing him actively participating […]

Man with glasses and baseball cap and black jacket. Behind him some kenyan students / Mann mit Brille, Baseballkappe und schwarzer Jacke. Hinter ihm einige kenianische Schüler*innen.

German exams are coming up / Deutschexamen stehen an

Since Manfred has been working on site in Kibirichia, he has also started to prepare German lessons. Meanwhile, the first trimester is coming to an end and there is the possibility to have the acquired knowledge tested in an exam at the Goethe-Institut in Nairobi. Unlike other subjects, this must be done at the Goethe-Institut. […]

How modern African drama synthesizes oral traditions with western European forms. In reference to the Wole Soyinka’s Lion and the Jewel and the play Muntu by Joe de Graft.

Introduction A number of Afro-centric scholars assert that there is the existence of drama in Africa before the intrusion of the colonialists. African drama is distinct from other forms of dram in the world because of its inseparable link with its cultural and traditional elements. Some says that African drama developed by European influence. Viewers […]

African communities that resisted colonization

During colonialism in Africa, Africans reacted differently to European colonizers. There are those who choose to resist even before the introduction of colonial rule in their territories, examples being Nandi of Kenya and Mandinka in present day Mali, others revolted against the already established rule examples being Zulu led by Chief Bambatha. For those who […]

Africa in prime position to profit from camel’s milk

As nutritionists worldwide tout the health benefits of camel milk, its commercial potential is burgeoning – with 80 per cent of the world’s camel population living in Africa. But obstacles remain to make this elixir transportable and palatable. Drinking camel’s milk can protect against a range of diseases as well as providing an important source of nutrition for millions of people, according to a […]

Kenya is home to 36,280 elephants, 1,739 rhinos according to recent concluded animal census

President Uhuru recieved 2021 National Wildlife Census Report on Monday which was fully funded by the government, and conducted by local experts. According to the census report, Kenya has a total of 36,280 savanna elephants, becoming the fourth largest population in the world after Zimbabwe, Botswana and Tanzania. The census also established that the country […]

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