Cameroon Tries to Get Child Miners Back to School

Authorities in Cameroon say they are attempting to remove thousands of children working in gold mines along the country’s eastern border.  Some of the children were displaced from the Central African Republic because of violence there and dropped out of school to mine gold for survival. The 2021-2022 school year in Cameroon started Monday, and […]

Bantu people

The Bantu people are the speakers of Bantu languages. Most of the Bantu speakers in Eastern Africa originated from Central Africa. Bantus are currently spread out in African Great Lakes, Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa. The term Bantu might originated from the fact of how Bantu speakers commonly refers to humanity. The speakers […]


These select animals became extinct for the last over 200 years in Africa

For the last 100 years around 500 species have completely disappeared from the space of earth probably due to human. These are some of the select few that today are mystery; Bubal Hartebeest. Extinction Date: 1923 These animals roamed freely north of Sahara, specifically from Morocco to Egypt. When French came during partition and scrambling […]

The killer Lakes of Cameroon

Africa has share of natural disasters, from the most dangerous volcanoes in the world to the most dangerous lakes in the world. Lake Nyos is a crater lake in the northwestern part of Cameroon meaning that the water there poured in long after the incredibly explosive volcanic eruption that made it ended fore more than […]

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