New Classroom Construction in Kenya

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of €700 to support our small school in Kenya. This milestone marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the school as we commence the construction of a new classroom. Laying the Foundation The journey […]

Aufbau einer besseren Zukunft

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir dank Ihrer großzügigen Spenden unser Spendenziel von 700 € zur Unterstützung einer kleinen Schule in Kenia erreicht haben. Dieser Meilenstein markiert den Beginn eines aufregenden neuen Kapitels für die Schule, da wir mit dem Bau eines neuen Klassenzimmers beginnen werden. Den Grundstein legen Der Weg […]

Malawi president declares state of disaster in Malawi

Malawi has declared a state of disaster from Cyclone Freddy, which has killed at least 219 people in Malawi and Mozambique since Saturday night, and displaced 11,000. The disaster declaration is a part of an appeal for national and international assistance for the victims of the cyclone. So far, several organizations have started responding to […]

Kenya is home to 36,280 elephants, 1,739 rhinos according to recent concluded animal census

President Uhuru recieved 2021 National Wildlife Census Report on Monday which was fully funded by the government, and conducted by local experts. According to the census report, Kenya has a total of 36,280 savanna elephants, becoming the fourth largest population in the world after Zimbabwe, Botswana and Tanzania. The census also established that the country […]

Crisis Looms as Kenya Public University Lecturers Plan to strike over Ksh 8.8 billion

Operations at public universities are likely to come to a halt from today August 30, 2021 when a seven-day strike notice issued by lecturers and staff unions expires, unless a deal is reached to avert it. The 2021/2022 academic calendar begins in September and any industrial action will disrupt start-of-semester activities. Many universities are scheduled […]

Kenya has been ranked at position 139 on the 2020 Global Youth Development Index

Singapore topped the list on measures of status of young people in181 countries followed by Slovenia, Norway, Malta, and Denmark. Chad, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Niger came last respectively. The index which was released on Tuesday revealed that the conditions of young people around the world have improved by 3.1 percent […]

Despite claims of defeat by Buhari govt, Boko Haram spreads tentacles to more states

Despite repeated claims by the President Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government that Boko Haram terrorists have been degraded and confined to the North-east alone, recent revelations by some Nigerian state governors give cause for worry. The immediate past Chief of Army Staff, Tukur Buratai, had said that the Boko Haram terrorist group had since been defeated but the […]

Blaise Compaoré, former Burkinabe president to stand a trial for the murder of Thomas Sankara

Burkina Faso’s former president , Blaise Compaoré has on Tuesday been indicted by the Military Tribunal in the Sankara murder case. Blaise will be tried for the assassination of his predecessor Thomas Sankara, attack on state security, complicity in murder and concealment of corpses. He has been in exile in Ivory Coast since 2014 after […]

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