It is a momentous occasion for the students and teachers of a school in Kenya: thanks to the overwhelming support from donations made through the platform SchoolForAfrica, the school has finally been able to establish a small but fully functional chemistry and physics lab. This new facility will not only significantly enhance learning but also […]
Es ist ein großer Moment für die Schülerinnen und Lehrerinnen einer Schule in Kenia: Dank der überwältigenden Unterstützung durch Spenden über die Plattform SchoolForAfrica konnte die Schule endlich ein kleines, aber voll funktionsfähiges Chemie- und Physik-Labor einrichten. Diese Einrichtung wird nicht nur das Lernen erheblich verbessern, sondern auch das Interesse der Schüler*innen an den Naturwissenschaften […]

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of €700 to support our small school in Kenya. This milestone marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the school as we commence the construction of a new classroom. Laying the Foundation The journey […]

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir dank Ihrer großzügigen Spenden unser Spendenziel von 700 € zur Unterstützung einer kleinen Schule in Kenia erreicht haben. Dieser Meilenstein markiert den Beginn eines aufregenden neuen Kapitels für die Schule, da wir mit dem Bau eines neuen Klassenzimmers beginnen werden. Den Grundstein legen Der Weg […]
A revelation by American Youtuber MrBeast, that he drilled 52 boreholes in Kenya to help local communities access clean water has sparked mixed reactions from netizens. This has come amid government PR stunts of commissioning previous government’s projects which current president vehemently opposed. MrBeast shared a 10-minute video on his YouTube channel showing him actively participating […]
Have you ever thought of trees? You plant them, they grow And then you cut them down At your own time of will Now think of them as human beings When you cut them it means you have killed them Young or old And that is how life is You may die any time That […]
Introduction Historical records reveal that Kenyans had access to education as far back as 1728 with Swahili manuscript Utendi wa Tambuka (Book of Heraclius) attesting to this fact. The CMS missionaries interacted with locals in the coastal town of Mombasa and set up one of the earliest mission schools in the country at Rabai in […]
Dialogue as stylistic device refers to spoken lines by characters in a story that serve many functions such as adding context to narrative, establishing voice and tone. Writers utilize dialogue as a means to demonstrate communication between two characters. Most dialogue is spoken aloud in a narrative, though there are exceptions in terms of inner […]
Linguistic devices Dialogue It denotes a conversation between two or more interlocutors in a discourse. The poet in Betrothed employs this linguistic aspect to reveal a conversation between the two sides of the marriage agreement. “Three thousand shillings is not enough,” “Fathers, this is what we walked with!” “ … a token of our love.” […]

Ol Pejeta conservancy is a 360km square which is non-profit wildlife conservancy in Central Kenya’s Laikipia County. It is situated on the equator west of Nanyuki town. It was used as a ranching area during the colonization although wildlife and pastoralists were roaming in the areas even before colonization and early stages of colonisation. Like […]