New Classroom Construction in Kenya

We are thrilled to announce that, thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully reached our latest fundraising goal of €700 to support our small school in Kenya. This milestone marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the school as we commence the construction of a new classroom. Laying the Foundation The journey […]

“Mr Beast embarrassed the whole political class”Kenyans react after American You tuber, Mr Beast sink boreholes in Kenya.

A revelation by American Youtuber MrBeast, that he drilled 52 boreholes in Kenya to help local communities access clean water has sparked mixed reactions from netizens. This has come amid government PR stunts of commissioning previous government’s projects which current president vehemently opposed. MrBeast shared a 10-minute video on his YouTube channel showing him actively participating […]

Ol Pejeta Conservancy in pictures

Ol Pejeta conservancy is a 360km square which is non-profit wildlife conservancy in Central Kenya’s Laikipia County. It is situated on the equator west of Nanyuki town. It was used as a ranching area during the colonization although wildlife and pastoralists were roaming in the areas even before colonization and early stages of colonisation. Like […]

Ghana Loses U.S.$2.5 Billion Annually to Air Pollution

Ghana’s annual economic cost of air pollution is estimated at $2.5 billion, approximately 4.2 per cent of Gross domestic product(GDP). Again it is estimated that, about 91 per cent of the world’s population breathe poor air, amounting to $250 billion of Economic Cost (EC) worldwide whiles the entire globe (99 per cent) breathes air that […]

The many roots of least understood violence in Mozambique

Conflict erupted in Mozambique’s northern Cabo Delgado province just a few years after some of Africa’s biggest gas reserves were discovered in the Rovuma Basin off the coast. Mozambicans see this as no coincidence. A new study by the Institute for Security Studies and the Judicial Training Institute of Mozambique conducted extensive field research in […]

The Baganda are the largest ethnic group in Uganda

They are Bantu ethnic group in Buganda, a subnational kingdom within Ugandan state. They make up to 17 percent of the population in Uganda of 34 million people. They speak Luganda as their traditional language, they speak Swahili and English as their secondary language. Kabaka Mwanga II was the Buganda’s reigning powerful king. He was […]

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