The Bantu people are the speakers of Bantu languages. Most of the Bantu speakers in Eastern Africa originated from Central Africa. Bantus are currently spread out in African Great Lakes, Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa.
The term Bantu might originated from the fact of how Bantu speakers commonly refers to humanity.
The speakers of Bantu language as first language are close to 400 million speakers, with language itself divided into over 500 different ‘dialects’ or ‘language’. Majority of Bantu speakers are from Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Some of the Bantu groups are;
- Democratic Republic of the Congo; Bakongo, Mongo, Baluba, Bangala(Lingala), Balunda, Bemba, Bembe, Hutu, Komo, Kuba among others. 80 % of population DRC is Bantu.
- Tanzania; Abakuria, Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Haya, Chagga, Gogo, Makonde, Ngoni, Matumbi, among others. 95% of the population in Tanzania is Bantu.
- Kenya; Agikuyu, Abaluhya, Maragoli, Ameru, Akamba, Abagusii, Aembu, Ambeere, Taita, Pokomo, Taveta and Mijikenda. Bantu speakers in Kenya are 60% of the population.
- South Africa; Nguni which comprised of Zulu, Hlub, xHosa, Ndebele and Swazi, Basotho, Bapedi, Batswana, Tsonga among others. 75% of population South Africa is Bantu.
- Mozambique; Makua, Sena, Shona, among others found in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and South Africa. In Mozambique Bantu speakers comprised of 99% of total population.
- Uganda; Baganda, Basoga, Bagwere, Banyoro, Banyankole, Bakiga, Batooro, Bamasaba, Banyole, Baamba among others. In Uganda Bantus comprised of 80% of population.
- Angola; Bakongo, Ovimbundu, Ambundu, Balunda, Ovambo, Herero, Xindonga, Himba and Ganguela. In Angola 97% of the population comprise of Bantu speakers.
- Malawi; Chewa, Yao, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Sena among others. Bantu speakers in Malawi comprised of 99% of total speakers.
- Zambia; Tonga, Lozi, Kaonde, Nkoya, Balovale, Balunda. Zambia comprised of 70% of Bantus of total population.
- Zimbabwe; Shona, Ndebele, Bakalanga among other numerous minor groups. 99% of population in Zimbabwe is Bantu.
- Rwanda; Hutu which is 85% of Rwandese population.
- Burundi; Population proportion of Bantu is similar to that of Rwanda.
- Cameroon; Bulu, Duala, Ewondo, Bafia, Bassa, Bakoko, Barombi among others. In Cameroon Bantu are minority group that comprised 30% of population.
- Republic of the Congo; Bakongo, Sangha, M’Bochi, and Bateke. Bantu are the majority with 97% of the population.
- Equatorial Guinea; Fang and Bubi which are 95% of the population.
- Lesotho; Basotho, the majority with 99% of total population.
- Botswana; Batswana, BaKalanga, 90& of the poulation.
- Gabon; Fang, Nzebi, Kota, Shira, Puru and Myene who comprise 95% of the population.
- Swaziland (Eswatini); Swazi, Zulu, and Tsonga who are 99% of the poulation.
- Namibia; Ovambo, Kavango, Herero, Himba and Mayeyi, who comprised 70% of the population.
- Somalia; Somalian Bantu.
- Comoros; Comorian people.