Blaise Compaoré, former Burkinabe president to stand a trial for the murder of Thomas Sankara

Burkina Faso’s former president , Blaise Compaoré has on Tuesday been indicted by the Military Tribunal in the Sankara murder case. Blaise will be tried for the assassination of his predecessor Thomas Sankara, attack on state security, complicity in murder and concealment of corpses. He has been in exile in Ivory Coast since 2014 after […]

mutunguru tree

Mutunguru: the tallest tree in Kenya and probably the second tallest native tree in Africa

Mutunguru tree is believed to be the tallest tree in Kenya and the third tallest in Africa with the 62.5 feet and 3m circumference, after the Entandrophragma Excelsum which is the tallest tree in Africa, Kilimanjaro valley in Tanzania which stands at 81.5m (267ft) tall, see here and here and comprehensive information on Kilimanjaro Experience […]

The Khoisan

The Khoikhoi and San are two different people, they are both called Khoisan because of their distinct click sound language. As opposed to San, Khoikhoi were both hunter-gatherers and pastoralists, the first pastoralists in Southern Africa. The San were hunter-gatherers. San people are the oldest ethnic group in the world. Their territories span Botswana, Namibia, […]


These select animals became extinct for the last over 200 years in Africa

For the last 100 years around 500 species have completely disappeared from the space of earth probably due to human. These are some of the select few that today are mystery; Bubal Hartebeest. Extinction Date: 1923 These animals roamed freely north of Sahara, specifically from Morocco to Egypt. When French came during partition and scrambling […]

Top universities in Kenya that attract international students

The Kenyan universities that attract foreign students have been revealed in a new report that exposes the competitiveness of the institution of higher learning. The cost of programmes they teach, quality of education and ease of accessing accommodation are some of the factors that attract international students. Other factors that attract foreign students to these […]

Parents protests over demands by schools in administering Grade four learners

Parents have raised concern over some of the items needed by teachers to evaluate Grade four learners. The Kenya National Examination (KNEC) urged teachers to use readily available material for the assessments. “We advised teachers to make the assessments as local as possible and based on items that are readily available within the school set […]

Lake Retba, fun facts for kids

Lake Retba is situated in Senegal and lies 35 km northeast of the capital Dakar. This lake is famous because of its unusual pink color. The color of the lake is caused by the Dunaliella salina bacteria, which is attracted by the lake’s salt contents. The color is usually visible during the dry season from […]

Some of the interesting facts about Africa which you probably don’t know about

Between 2000-3000 Languages are spoken in Africa There are at least 3,000 distinct ethnic communities in Africa. Each community has distinct dialects and different culture. Kiswahili is the most spoken native language with over 150 million speakers followed by Amharic(Ethiopian official language) with over 100 million speakers, Hausa with over 80 million speakers and Yoruba […]

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