African communities that resisted colonization

During colonialism in Africa, Africans reacted differently to European colonizers. There are those who choose to resist even before the introduction of colonial rule in their territories, examples being Nandi of Kenya and Mandinka in present day Mali, others revolted against the already established rule examples being Zulu led by Chief Bambatha. For those who […]


Sudanese pyramids are less famous than their counterparts in Egypt. Sudan’s pyramids have been preserved for thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, Meroe served as the capital city of Kingdom of Kush, the realm presided over the kingdom of Kush. The pyramids are around 5,000 years old, something which is controversial between the government […]

Classification of plants, GRADE 5 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY

Living things Flowering plants and non-flowering Plants that can produce flowers 💐 Plants that do not produce flowers ————                                1. ———————— ————                                2.———————— ————-                               3.   —————- ————-                               4. …………………… Plants can be grouped into two -Flowering plants -Non-Flowering Plants Flowering plants produce flowers. Non-flowering plants do not produce flowers. ACTIVITY You will need a digital […]

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